Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Repeat: Change the Channel!

One of the challenges with technology is that it makes "stuff" easier. So easy, in fact, that we can forget about the human part of the equation. We can do SO MUCH for each other if we will do a little bit.

When we connect on Twitter (or FOLLOW each other), we provide the opportunity for powerful networking, IF we follow some rules. Here is the first one:

Do NOT read the messages if the heading doesn't interest you. For example, I posted this on Twitter a little while ago:

consrvation* WILDCOAST protects and preserves coastal ecosystems in the Californias and Latin America http://tinyurl.com/BMW7772

If you are not interested in conservation or at least, you're not interested at this moment, don't read beyond "consrvation*" as it will just seem like noise or interruption when you do this thousands of times (or more) a year.

If we are networking together, the most important heading for a Twitter message will be:


When we get a critical mass of people interconnected on Twitter, you will see this heading more often.

So, what is the "little bit" that we are doing for each other?

1) Connecting/Following on Twitter
2) Reading only the messages we're interested in OR those that start with CHSNP*
3) Responding to the CHSNP* messages if we have relevant information and following through

By the way, as of this morning, Paul Barsch has joined me on Twitter. Click here to see Paul's blog at MPDailyFix.